Thursday, September 21, 2023

CHS Launches HudlTV for livestreaming

The CHS Athletic Department is excited to announce that beginning in the fall of 2023 varsity events taking place at WWII Veterans' Memorial Field or CHS's Masciarelli Gymnasium will be livestreamed on our new HudlTV channel.

The CHS Athletic Department has been working with Hudl on many items to get as many events streamed as possible. There continue to be some challenges we face with this new technology, but we are in good shape for our Bulldog fans to watch many contests live on their device.  All livestreamed contests will be available to view after the event as well on the "Past" tab. 

As Hudl's technology continues to advance, we will be able to add more our our Bulldog teams to our livestream offerings. 

The HudlTV channel takes the place of our old YouTube channel which is now dormant.

Our ability to film these games for both educational, coaching purposes as well as a service to the Bulldog fan community is made possible by the support of the CHS Athletic Booster Club. This club is the sole financial source for our Hudl and HudlTV partnership. Be sure to thank a CHS booster member and consider becoming one as well!  Link to CHS Boosters

Click on image below to visit our channel. Then bookmark it for future games!