Sunday, August 29, 2021

Heat to return this week

The weather has certainly proven to be an added challenge to the start of the 2021 Bulldog athletic year. The heat was an issue most days last week and it appears that heat and heavy rains could make an appearance again this upcoming week. 

It is important to note that the MIAA has some very clear rules around participating in high school athletics during excessive heat days.  Back in 2019, they instituted a policy which created a scaled level of activity that can take place based on the "wet bulb" temperature reading. The wet bulb thermometer is a tool which aims to measure true temperature feel.  It takes into account actual temperature, wind, humidity, sun, shade.  Our athletic trainer, Kristen Aguiar, monitors this all day long and in various locations on days where the temperatures are excessively high. 

Our coaches are also constantly reminding our student athletes to hydrate.  Hydration is something that we need the help of our families as well. It is impossible for a student athlete to get enough water on hot days when they are not drinking a lot at home all day- before and after practices/games. 

Click Here for the MIAA policy.