I have set this entry up in a FAQ format.
Questions around Attendance:
What is the attendance rule for CHS Athletics?A student must be present in school to be eligible to participate in CHS Athletics on that day. The student must be present for at least the final 5 periods of the day. That means that they must check in at the office prior to 8:56am.
Are there any exceptions to the "5-period rule?"

If a student is feeling sick, and goes home to rest can they return for athletics that day?
No. The student cannot return for athletics for that reason.
What if a student is "in school" for the 5-periods but skips a class or two?
Any student who skips even one class on any day is NOT eligible to participate that day.
What happens if a student plays in an athletic contest on a day that they were not in compliance with the attendance rule?
The student's team would be forced to forfeit the result of that contest.
Questions around Chemical Health:
What constitutes breaking the MIAA Chemical Health rule?A student who uses, consumes, possesses, buys/sells, or gives away any beverage containing alcohol, any tobacco product (including e-cigarettes, VAP pens and similar devices), marijuana (including synthetic), steroids, drug paraphernalia, or any controlled substance is in violation of the MIAA Chemical Health Policy. This includes products such as "NA or near beer" inhalants (definded as any substance that produces a mind-altering effect when inhaled), and misuse of over-the-counter medications and substances used for the purposes of altering one's mental state.
Does it matter when and where the violation occurs?
The rule applies to the school year beginning on the first day of fall season practice and running through the last day of school or last day of the school's spring season- whichever is later. As for the "where," it does not matter where or when the violation occurred. The violation is handled the same with regards to the MIAA rule whether it is on school property or not. However, if the violation takes place at school, on school grounds or at a school event, additional non-athletic consequences will likely occur as well.
What is the consequence if a student athlete is found in violation of the Chemical Health rule?
If in season, the student athlete will be ineligible to participate for 1/4 of the season's contests. If there is not 1/4 of the season remaining, the suspension will carry over to the student athlete's next season of athletic participation. If out of season, the suspension will begin with the student athlete's next season of participation.
Can a student athlete who is seeking help for a chemical health issue be found in violation of this rule?
As long as the student seeks treatment prior to any violation of the rule. For example, a student who has not yet been found in violation, voluntarily comes to the nurse at CHS and asks to enroll in a substance abuse program, is NOT in violation by seeking help.
Questions around Transportation:

CHS does NOT provide any transportation to or from any CHS contests held inside the town of Canton. Many of our teams have practices and contests off CHS campus in Canton. It is the responsibility of the student athlete to arrange for transportation to and from these practices/contests. CHS DOES provide transportation to/from nearly all contests/practices outside of Canton.
Are there any cases of transportation NOT being provided by CHS to/from any out of town contests?
There are very few cases of this, but they do exist. They are mainly for sports where individuals are participating rather than a full, large team and only for certain, limited contests. Parents will be made aware of these early on in any season.
Can parents provide their own transportation for student athletes to away contests?

Can a student athlete drive themselves or other students to away contests?
Absolutely not. Student athletes are NOT permitted to drive themselves or teammates to away contests. This is not allowed even if a parent grants permission. We understand that this may seem like a good solution to a scheduling conflict, but it is not an option.
Questions around Injuries:
After suffering an injury, what should a student athlete do?I realize this is a pretty broad question and all injuries are different in their severity and nature. But generally speaking, make sure you check in with our athletic trainer as a first step. Clearly there are more serious injuries that will force an emergency room visit or a trip to your doctor, but for anything less serious than that, start by visiting trainer Kristen Sasonoff. Her training room is in the athletic hallway at CHS. They should also provide medical notes and documentation to CHS nursing.
What protocol must a I follow if I go to the doctor/ER/Urgent care for an injury?

Miscellaneous Questions:
What is the Bona Fide Team member rule?This MIAA rule states that a student athletes must prioritize high school athletics above any other athletic commitment. It specifically states that a student athlete cannot miss a high school practice or contest for a non-high school team event. The MIAA will allow up to one waiver of this rule per student athlete per season. These waivers must be done 30 days in advance of the conflict and are only granted for high level events.
What are the consequences if the Bona Fide Team member rule is broken?

What if a student athletes needs extra help in a class and it conflicts with an athletic commitment?
A student's academic classes are always the top priority. The key to navigating effectively when it comes to missing practice time for extra-help is good, early communication with the coach. Students should always keep their coaches posted on how classes are going and if they are struggling in any particular classes. When a student is seeking extra help and it causes them to be late for a practice, they should just communicate that with the coach EARLY....not last minute. Coaches can also be great resources for helping student athletes get back on track academically. Don't hide academic struggles from coaches. Keep them in the loop!
What about answers to other important questions?
You can always find valuable information on the CHS Athletics Blog. Consider signing up for email notifications of updates to the Blog. The CHS Athletic website has a great deal of information as well. Or, if all else fails, reach out to me at 781-821-5050 x6 or ericksond@cantonma.org.