Friday, September 16, 2022

WWII Veterans' Memorial Field Bleacher update

The CHS Athletic office is thrilled to announce that the new bleachers installed at WWII Veterans' Memorial Field are cleared for our use beginning this afternoon with our home Field Hockey game! After the Field Hockey game wraps up we will host our first home Football game of the season. 

Reminders as we fully open our facility-

1. The Press Box and permanent sound system is not yet operational. Thank you for your patience with us as we navigate major events without it. 

2. The site is still an active construction site. We ask that when attending games, you stay away from temporary construction fences, any areas marked off limits and watch your step at all times. 

3. Gates will not be open for tonight's football game until 6:15pm. Purchase your tickets early at this link on your cell phone-

Go Dogs!