Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Banner Day!

A panoramic view of many of the new banners and locations- including the State Championship Wall!

The CHS Athletic Department is excited and proud to announce that after many delays and curve balls over the past several years, the championship banners that hang in our gym- The Ralph Masciarelli Gymnasium- have been updated, rearranged, and installed in a way that will make any Bulldog fan happy!

The new design includes a Basketball 1,000 point
banner for both the Girls & Boys programs
The new layout includes a "State Championship Wall" that proudly displays the ten Bulldog teams that have won state championships over the years. This dates back to 1979 with a Football Super Bowl Championship and a Field Hockey State Championship. It also includes the most recent State Championships of the Boys Hockey and Girls Hockey teams in 2020. 

Beyond team state titles, there are so many impressive Bulldog accomplishments- both team and individual- now acknowledged on those four walls. It embodies everything we expect in all of our Bulldogs- perseverance, sportsmanship, and hard work as well as daring and achieving greatly!

Thank you to all those who helped to make this happen including the financial support of the CHS Athletic Booster Club.  

Be sure to check them out the next time you visit us!