Tuesday, June 22, 2021

CHS Booster Club Needs You!

The CHS Athletic Booster Club has been supporting CHS student athletes and teams for 15 years. Like for so many other organizations, the past year was not an ordinary one for the Boosters.  But, a small group of dedicated parents kept it going through the rough waters.  A BIG thank you to those folks- who I'm sure would prefer to remain behind the scenes!

It is now time to get things with the Boosters back to "normal." so we can hit the ground running this August as Fall Sports begin. 

The Boosters will be hosting an informational meeting on Tuesday, June 29th at 6:30 in the CHS Cafeteria. 

In order for the Boosters to continue supporting our student athletes, we NEED parents of our 'dogs to get involved.  There is a place for Booster parents who are able to commit lots of time and a place for parents who can only commit occasional, limited time. They need all comers!

Please consider attending the meeting on June 29th. It doesn't come with any strings attached but does provide a great opportunity to help enhance the CHS student athlete experience. 

Thank you!