Thursday, May 6, 2021

Away Contest Transportation Protocols

Given the ever-evolving state regulations regarding Covid-19, our away contest transportation protocols for the CHS Athletic Department will be adjusted starting next week.

Beginning on Monday, May 10th, bus capacity for away trips will be back to two student athletes per seat. The previous protocol was one per seat but the new protocols now match state requirements. 

It is important to note the following items related to this shift:
  • Most of our trips will have buses roughly 70% full. 
  • If parents/guardians are more comfortable having their child drive themselves or driving their own child to an away contest, they are able to do so. This must be communicated to coach the day BEFORE the contest. 
  • Under NO circumstance may students carpool/ride-share to an away event. 
  • All passengers must wear masks the entire bus trip. 
  • Windows will be down on buses (unless poor weather prevents this) to ensure proper air circulation.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the athletic office- 