Thursday, June 20, 2019

Hockomock League unveils new logo system

Below is a press release put out by the Hockomock League this morning. As founding members of this proud League we are thrilled about the new marks. They really reflect the tradition of our great group of schools, teams and student athletes.

For immediate release- June 20, 2019

The Hockomock League proudly publishes a logo embodying the key components of the League’s long historical tradition and modern core values. Partnering with Jeff Eagles Creative, League Principals and Athletic Directors completed a year-long process to develop the brand and logo that will stand for the League for decades to come.
Canton Athletic Director, Danny Erickson, who was League chairman during the 2017-18 school year when the project began, had this to say about the league's desire to embark on create a prominent League mark: “We agreed it was the right time to establish a truly meaningful and uniform brand among the 12 great schools of the Hockomock League and among the surrounding MIAA institutions.” Jeff Eagles had led the way for the Canton Bulldogs to remake their brand in 2015 and has impeccable credentials working with some of the most touted professional sports teams such as the Boston Bruins, the Vegas Golden Knights, and the Toronto Maple Leafs of the NHL.

Each of the components has a specific purpose and meaning. Together these elements create a versatile identity system that conveys both the history of the league as well as the key core values it strives to promote.  First, for centuries, the 5-sided banner has been used as a canvas for symbolic representations of families and kingdoms. In more recent times, it has also been the base shape used to commemorate achievements, and thus makes the perfect base for the Hockomock League’s primary identity.

Second, like links in a chain, the interlocking “H” and “L” ligature communicates some of the core values of the Hockomock League including unity, strength, and community shared by the twelve schools.

Third, stating boldly the League origin date celebrates the importance of history and tradition that the League has upheld for over 87 years. Fourth, Gold has always been a highly-valued entity, used to symbolize excellence. It is the perfect primary color to represent the value of the Hockomock League.

The overall system has a strong, balanced, and purposeful look that is classic and timeless.

Watch out for this logo as Hockomock competition fires up this Fall and beyond. It will become the common signature on social media, banners, uniforms, awards, and even stadium turf and courts.