Friday, January 25, 2019

Attendance/Tardy Policy Clarification

In recent days, there has been much confusion over the CHS policy on attendance and tardiness when it comes to after school athletic eligibility. Here is some information that may help to answer some questions out there:

  • It is an expectation that student athletes be in school, on time, every day. On days when student athletes are not in attendance at school, they may NOT participate in CHS athletic practices, games or other team activities taking place that day. 
  • It is understandable that, from time-to-time, something arises that forces a student athlete to be late for school. In order to be eligible for CHS Athletic participation on a school day when a student athlete is tardy, that student athlete must be in school prior to the start of 2nd period (8:56am)
  • Attendance in school is only a determining factor in student athletic eligibility on the day in question.  For example- a student's absence from school on a Friday makes them ineligible for athletic participation on Friday but has NO IMPACT on that student's eligibility on Saturday/Sunday.  This means, it is possible for a student to miss school due to illness on a Friday and to play in a contest or participate in a practice over the weekend
  • There are many reasonable exceptions to these policies. If a student has a doctor/dentist appointment that requires them to miss a portion of the school day, a doctor's note submitted to the main office will excuse them from the attendance expectation for that day.  Meaning- it is OK to miss a portion of the school day for an unavoidable appointment and still be able to participate in CHS Athletics that day. In this case, a doctor's note must be provided to the main office upon return from the appointment.  A parent note alone will not suffice.  
  • There are some other reasons that may arise that force a student to miss school but still be eligible to participate in CHS Athletics that day. These would include things like a college visits and funerals. In these cases, the student athlete's parent should reach out to the CHS Athletic office PRIOR to the absence requesting the ability to miss school but participate in CHS Athletics. Please note that typically, only 1 college visit per season will be cleared. 
  • THE BOTTOM LINE- Important medical appointments during the school day will be excused from the 5-period rule (the 8:56am requirement) as long as a doctor's note is provided to the main office. The 5-period rule (the 8:56am requirement) is mainly for cases where students are tardy for non-appointment reasons or leave school during the day for illness. In those cases, they cannot come back for athletics that day. 
Please feel free to contact the athletic office for any further questions or clarifications.