Tuesday, November 1, 2016

2016-17 Winter Sports Registration Now Open

Anyone interested in trying out for a winter athletic program MUST have a parent/guardian register you prior to doing so. The easiest way to register is to visit the CHS Athletics website and complete the online registration available there.

Registration DEADLINE to be able to participate on the first day of practices/tryouts is Sunday, November 20th. 

The following sports programs are offered at CHS in the winter:

Basketball (V, JV, F)
Ice Hockey (V, JV)
Indoor Track (V)
Swimming (V)
Wrestling (V)

Cheerleading (Varsity)
Basketball (V, JV, F)
Ice Hockey (V, JV)
Indoor Track (V)
Gymnastics (V)
Swimming (V)

User Fees are due on December 12, 2016.
The Fee is $195.
There is an additional facility fee for Ice Hockey ($250), Gymnastics ($150), Swimming ($50).

The season begins on November 28th