Congratulations to the Bulldog Fall athletes named to the various Hockomock League All-Star teams:
Field Hockey- Lindsey Nolte, Mary Nee, Honorable Mention- Abby Powers
Volleyball- Liz Hamilton (MVP), Olivia Devoe, Rye Verille, Honorable Mention- Nicole Poole
Girls Soccer- Sarah MacQuarrie, Riley Duserick, Honorable Mention- Tessa Cudmore
Boys Soccer- Patrick Hession, Honorable Mention- Sammy Papakonstantino
Girls Cross-Country- Catherine Song, Honorable Mention- Ally Chin
Boys Cross-Country- Honorable Mention- Mark Clancy
Football- Jake Ragusa (MVP), Joe Bires, Woanyen Mahn, Honorable Mention- Mac Brown
Golf- Jack Goyetch, Danny Powers, Honorable Mention- Jim Jenkins
Congratulations to all above as well as the following team honors:
Davenport Division Volleyball Champions
Football and Boys Soccer- Team Sportsmanship Awards