Saturday, February 22, 2025

MIAA Hockey Tournament Info

On Saturday, February 22nd, the MIAA announced the brackets for their Hockey State Tournaments and our Boys and Girls Bulldogs are both in the mix. This blog entry will provide all important information regarding all upcoming games. It will be updated throughout our Bulldogs' tournament runs. 

BOYS HOCKEY- Seeded #3 in the MIAA D2 tournament

Previous Games-
Round of 32- Canton defeated #30 Masconomet, 7-1
Round of 16- Canton defeated #14 Falmouth, 7-1
Elite 8- Canton defeated #6 Milton, 5-2

Next Game- Final Four! vs. #2 seeded Woburn on Sunday, March 9th at Noon at the Tsongas Center in Lowell. 

Tickets- CLICK HERE for tickets- Note- Tickets are NOT available on GoFan....just the Tsongas Center site. 

CLICK HERE for the MIAA D2 Boys Hockey Bracket

GIRLS HOCKEY- Seeded #18 in the MIAA D2 Tournament

Previous Games-

Round of 32- Canton defeated #15 King Philip, 2-1
Round of 16- Canton lost to #2 Duxbury, 1-4
Season Complete- GREAT YEAR!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Spring Sports Registration Now open

Anyone interested in trying out for a spring athletic program MUST have a parent/guardian register you prior to doing so. Visit the CHS Athletics website and complete the online registration available there. See link below.

The following sports programs are offered at CHS in the spring season (subvarsity levels are anticipated based on previous years):

Tennis (Varsity)
Track & Field (Varsity)
Lacrosse (Varsity, JV)
Baseball (Varsity, JV, Froshmore)

Tennis (Varsity) 
Track & Field (Varsity)
Lacrosse (Varsity, JV)
Softball (Varsity, JV)

Unified Track and Field (An MIAA and Special Olympics program)

User Fees- 
There are three ways to pay the User Fee for CHS Athletics:
1. Submit a check with the User Fee Form
2. Pay through the FamilyID registration process at the time you register. (You may not want to choose this option if you are not sure your child will be on the final rosters.)
3. Pay through the FamilyID site at a time after you register but prior to the deadline.

User Fee payment deadline for the spring season is April 9, 2025. 

DEADLINE TO REGISTER to be eligible for the first day of tryouts/practices is SUNDAY, March 9th. 

The first day of Spring sports is Monday, March 17th. (Unified Track begins in April)

Register early and cross it off the list!

First Day Information for each sport will be updated at this blog as it becomes available.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Baseball & Boys & Girls LAX Meetings

Boys LAX- Coach Tommy Galvin will be hosting an informational meeting for any boy looking to play lacrosse this spring. This meeting will take place on Thursday, March 6th at 2:30 in the CHS library. This will be a brief but important meeting. 

If you hare interested in being a part of the 2025 CHS Boys Lacrosse program you should attend. If you are unable to attend, please reach out to Coach Galvin-

Coach Dave Walsh will be hosting an informational meeting for any boy looking to play baseball this spring.  This meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 4th at 2:30 in the CHS library. This will be a brief but important meeting.

If you are interested in being a part of the 2025 CHS baseball program you should attend. If you are unable to attend, please reach out to Coach Walsh-

Girls LAX-
Coach Jess Powers will be hosting her first informational meeting for any girl looking to play Lacrosse this spring. This meeting will take place on Thursday, February 27th at 3:00pm in the CHS gym. This will be a brief but important meeting. 

If you are interested in being a part of the 2025 CHS girls lax program you should attend. If you are unable to attend, please reach out to Coach Powers-

Monday, February 10, 2025

Spring Coaching Vacancies

The CHS Athletic Department is currently accepting applications for the following coaching positions-

Assistant Girls Varsity Lacrosse Coach-
Spring Track Coach- Throws Coach preferred-

Please spread the word!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

NO Athletic activities today

 Due to the weather conditions today, ALL CHS Athletics activities are canceled/postponed. Student athletes should check in with their coaches on any changes for tomorrow. 

Enjoy the day off!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Softball and Girls Tennis hosting informational meetings

The CHS Athletic Department is hosting a couple of upcoming informational meetings for student athletes looking to join our Girls Softball or Girls Tennis teams this spring season.   

Any female CHS student athlete who is interested in joining either of these two programs this spring, should attend these important meetings. These meetings are not long but are important to attend if possible. 

New players welcome!

Can't make it but still want to play? Email the coach and let them know.

Softball & Girls Tennis Meetings- Thursday, February 13th in the CHS Library.  Girls Tennis at 2:45 and Softball at 3:30.