Saturday, August 31, 2024

Big Night for CHS Student-Athletes and Parents

Member of Team USA- Noelle Lambert
The Canton High School Athletic Department will be hosting a presentation for all CHS student athletes and their parents on Tuesday, September 24th at 7:00pm in the CHS Morse Auditorium.  This event is mandatory for all CHS student athletes (all three seasons) and we ask that they bring a parent with them. 

All in attendance will be treated to a keynote speaker who will kick-off the CHS Athletic year for all of us with an inspirational story of resilience and grit. Noelle Lambert is currently in Paris competing on Team USA in the Para-Olympic games. A former high school student athlete from New Hampshire, Lambert went on to play collegiate lacrosse before being involved in a tragic moped accident. Her comeback story and the heights she has reached since losing her leg in that accident, will inspire all of our Bulldogs to battle through their own challenges. She even went on to compete in a season of CBS's Survivor. 

The night will run from 7:00pm-8:15pm and will feature Lambert for most of that time. Everyone has plenty of notice for this upcoming event and it is expected that all Bulldog student athletes clear their calendars that night to be able to attend. 

Noelle is expected to participate in Paris on September 5th and 7th in Stade de France. 

Click Here to visit Noelle Lambert's website for more info about her inspirational story. 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Some important Need-to-Knows for CHS Student Athletes and families

We are off! With our Golf team facing Stoughton this afternoon, we are officially underway with the 2024-25 CHS Athletic Year!!!!

Go Dogs!

Some reminders about our health and safety

A message from the CHS Athletic Department regarding student well-being as we head into the start of our contests:

1. Wear Bug Spray!  As has been the case in many previous years, areas of New England are currently dealing with mosquito-borne illnesses. 

The Canton Public Schools recently began a weekly spraying of our playing fields by the Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project. This should help a great deal in decreasing the mosquito population in these areas. 

Whether you are a participant or spectator at our outdoor practices and contests, be sure you are wearing a mosquito repellant with deet.  Also- try to cover up as much as you can. Long sleeves and long pants are a plus. 

2. Hydration! Our student athletes are expected to bring their own water bottles to all practices and contests. We do provide water for refills but we do not provide individual water bottles.  Make sure you are drinking water throughout the school day as well!

3. If you are sick, stay home!  The days of "battling through sickness" and getting to practices and games are over. If you feel sick, stay home! Don't get your teammates sick as well! Healthy teammates are key to team success!

4. SLEEP! Our summer sleeping patterns are now shifting to school year patterns. Our student athletes need a minimum of 8 hours sleep each night.

You are not being a good teammate if you are not working towards this goal.  Optimum performance on the field, court, and course only comes with a solid night's sleep!

5. Eat smart! This blog entry won't get into what is healthy to eat or not....but we all know what is generally junk and what is good for us. Fuel your body with good stuff. 

Be sure to think about WHEN you eat. Many of our contests are at times that mess up our typical eating times. PLAN out when you eat on game days. You need your fuel....but you don't need a big bag of Doritos right before you play!


Friday, August 9, 2024

Field Hockey Program Welcoming New players

The CHS Field Hockey program- one of the oldest and proudest programs in the region- is looking for new CHS student athletes to join them for the 2024 season. 

Long-time CHS Head Coach Chrissy O'Connor, who has lead the program to a State Championship, had this to say to the CHS community as the season begins in less than two weeks-

"The Canton Field Hockey program is looking to add players to our program.  No experience is needed and this is a no cut season for the program.  With the addition of Mary McNeil (former CHS player and Merrimack College graduate) to the coaching staff this season it’s a great time to give field hockey a try."

Contact coach Chrissy O’Connor @ with any questions regarding the season.

Register for CHS Field Hockey at this link-

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Holland joins Bulldog Coaching staff as Head Varsity Girls Coach

The Canton High School Athletic Department is thrilled to announce the appointment of Chrystal Holland as our new Head Varsity Girls Basketball Coach.  Holland takes the reigns from long-time coaching Jimmy Choquette, who served as the head of the Bulldog Girls Basketball program for a decade. 

Coach Holland crafted the following letter to the Canton community, introducing herself to the school and town:

Coach Chrystal Holland
Dear Bulldog Family,

My name is Chrystal Holland, and I’m originally from Stoughton, MA. Although my middle name isn’t “basketball”, anyone who knows me, knows it could’ve been. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been around the game of basketball. Whether it was watching my siblings from the sidelines, being coached by my parents on the foundations of the sport, playing in college with an amazing coaching staff and teammates, or coaching high school students alongside coaching legends, basketball has always been a part of me and something I plan to honor and give back to the sport that gave me so much. When I’m not coaching, watching, or playing basketball, I am working full-time as a Marketing Services Specialist at Harvard Medical School.

For the past three years I’ve coached the freshmen girls basketball team at Oliver Ames High School. I was also an assistant coach on the Junior Varsity and Varsity teams. I was a part of the coaching staff for Oliver Ames during their most recent state championship back in 2021. Coaching doesn't stop after the high school season is over, I also coach women's AAU during the spring/summer seasons.

As a player, I was a four-year varsity starter, and 2-year captain at Stoughton High School from 2008-2012. I played Division II basketball at American International College (AIC) in Springfield, MA. While at AIC, we won the regular season Championship in 2016 and made it to the first round of the DII NCAA tournament. Although I finished my basketball career at AIC, I still enjoy playing basketball through women’s summer leagues when I get a chance.

I am excited to continue my journey as the new head coach of the girl’s basketball team here at Canton High School this upcoming 2024-2025 school year. I look forward to the great season, and the great work we will do together!

Well said coach! Welcome to Canton!