It has certainly been a long and winding road, but today we are excited to be officially opening registration for the 2020 Fall Sports Season. As has been explained on this blog recently, this fall will look incredibly different than most every fall before it. Due to the guidelines set by the state, DESE, MIAA and through decisions at both the Hockomock League and local level, we will be offering the following sports this fall:
- Golf
- Boys and Girls Cross Country
- Field Hockey
- Boys and Girls Soccer
Our other traditional fall sports will be moved to a newly created season running from late-February thru mid-April. This includes the seasons of our highly successful Cheer squad, our incredible Unified Basketball squad, our defending State Champion Girls Volleyball team and our two-time defending Hockomock Davenport Champion Football team. This fall will mark the first time in nearly a century that CHS will not line up a team on the gridiron this fall. Our competitive hearts go out to all members of all these teams who must put their seasons' hopes and dreams on hold....for now.
Registration information for our fall season can be found at the bottom of this blog entry. However, it is important that all CHS fall athletics families read important details below PRIOR to registering.
FALL SEASON DATES- The first day of fall sports is Monday, September 21st. It will include a two-week pre-season (golf will be slightly less). The season will wrap up prior to the Friday before Thanksgiving.
The sports that we are able to offer this fall will all play under new, significant modifications and guidelines. Highlights of these guidelines include:
- All participants must wear a face covering when unable to socially distance (this includes during play)
- All participants must complete a Covid-19 screening daily.
- No more than 25 people may work together at a practice. This will limit roster sizes.
- No more than 22 people may be on a school bus. This has caused us to temporarily amend our transportation policy.
- No more than 50 people may attend any Hockomock League contest as spectators. This has caused us to limit spectators to 2 per/family and only at home contests.
Details of our guidelines as well as sport specific modifications to our sports can be found at the links below:
The CHS Athletic Department has been working hard to institute practices, guidelines and protocols that will ensure the safest possible experience for our student athletes under these circumstances. We are incredibly confident that we are ready to provide an educational, competitive and SAFE/HEALTHY interscholastic athletic experience for all of our Bulldogs!
ATHLETIC USER FEE- Due to all of the changes associated with this season's athletic experience, the CPS School Committee recently approved and adjustment to the user fee. The fee for playing a fall sport this year will be $160. You have the option to pay the fee as you register online, but you don't have to. You can always go back and register in the week or so after tryouts.
GATE FEES- Given the limited number of spectators allowed at our contests this fall, there will be no admission cost charged at any contest.
ROSTER SIZES- It is always our goal to get as many students involved in our programs as is possible while still providing a great educational experience. We will be guided by that again this fall. However, due to new guidelines related to Covid-19, roster sizes for all sports will be limited. Once we have a list of registered student athletes, we will look at how we can structure our rosters (including tryouts) to meet all health and safety guidelines.
PHYSICAL EXAMS- It is an MIAA rule that in order to be eligible to participate in Interscholastic Athletics in Massachusetts, we must have a physical exam form on record in the CHS Athletic Office. The exam is only valid for 13 months from the date it was performed. We understand that many doctors' offices struggled to maintain their exam schedules this spring/summer and many held exams using tele-health. Unfortunately, the Mass Dept. of Public Health has ruled that virtual physicals are not acceptable to clear a student athlete for athletic participation. Acceptable physical reports may be emailed to the athletic office or uploaded as part of the FamilyID registration process.
TRANSPORTATION Policy- CHS has made a temporary change to our policy on transportation to/from away athletic contests. As has always been the case, CHS will provide bus transportation to/from away contests. However, this fall- parents/guardians may grant permission (as part of the online registration process explained below) for their student athlete to be transported to/from away contests in two additional ways:
- Parent/Guardian or immediate, household family member may transport them.
- Legally licensed student athlete may transport themselves and any siblings.
Note- A student athlete who has been granted permission for the alternative transportation, may take the bus to some contests while not using it for others.
REGISTRATION- Online registration will be open from
Tuesday, September 8th thru Sunday, September 13th. NO LATE registrations will be accepted as once we identify those looking to tryout for teams, we will begin planning for how to safely run these tryouts/practices given the number of student athletes interested. A parent/guardian must register a student athlete during the registration window. To register- visit our
registration page of the CHS Athletics Website.
QUESTIONS/CONCERNS- If you have any questions about CHS Athletics or registration for fall sports in particular, don't hesitate to contact us at, 781-821-5050 x6.