Thursday, August 29, 2024

Some reminders about our health and safety

A message from the CHS Athletic Department regarding student well-being as we head into the start of our contests:

1. Wear Bug Spray!  As has been the case in many previous years, areas of New England are currently dealing with mosquito-borne illnesses. 

The Canton Public Schools recently began a weekly spraying of our playing fields by the Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project. This should help a great deal in decreasing the mosquito population in these areas. 

Whether you are a participant or spectator at our outdoor practices and contests, be sure you are wearing a mosquito repellant with deet.  Also- try to cover up as much as you can. Long sleeves and long pants are a plus. 

2. Hydration! Our student athletes are expected to bring their own water bottles to all practices and contests. We do provide water for refills but we do not provide individual water bottles.  Make sure you are drinking water throughout the school day as well!

3. If you are sick, stay home!  The days of "battling through sickness" and getting to practices and games are over. If you feel sick, stay home! Don't get your teammates sick as well! Healthy teammates are key to team success!

4. SLEEP! Our summer sleeping patterns are now shifting to school year patterns. Our student athletes need a minimum of 8 hours sleep each night.

You are not being a good teammate if you are not working towards this goal.  Optimum performance on the field, court, and course only comes with a solid night's sleep!

5. Eat smart! This blog entry won't get into what is healthy to eat or not....but we all know what is generally junk and what is good for us. Fuel your body with good stuff. 

Be sure to think about WHEN you eat. Many of our contests are at times that mess up our typical eating times. PLAN out when you eat on game days. You need your fuel....but you don't need a big bag of Doritos right before you play!